Digital Marketing Jobs & Salary in India for Freshers

Digital Marketing Jobs & Salary in India for Freshers

If you just graduated and want a digital marketing job in 2023, don’t worry, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you.
Getting a good digital marketing job as a newcomer might seem tough, but if you have in-depth knowledge in areas like social media, Google, or writing, you’ll have your pick of jobs.

Here’s what this means for you as a beginner: With the right digital marketing skills, a bit of practical experience, and confidence, you’ll have many job options.

But here’s a pro tip: No matter which skill you choose, start with the basics of digital marketing for a strong foundation. You can kickstart your learning with a free masterclass on digital marketing basics. In just 45 minutes, you’ll know more about digital marketing than you do now.

If you’re still wondering whether digital marketing is a good career, check out the Scope of Digital Marketing in 2023, and you’ll find your answer.

In this blog, we cover all the digital marketing jobs you should be on the lookout for and share some useful tips on how to land your first job as a newbie.”

  1. Digital Marketing Intern
  2. Social Media Marketing Intern
  3. Content Writer/Copywriter
  4. SEO Intern
  5. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Intern

Digital Marketing Intern: –

As a Digital Marketing Intern in India, your job involves doing online marketing tasks. How much you get paid depends on where you work, the company, and your skills. Here’s a simple explanation:

What You Do as a Digital Marketing Intern:

  • You help with social media by making and planning posts, talking to people who follow, and checking how well things are going.
  • You make content like blog posts, pictures, or videos for the internet.
  • You learn about SEO, which means making sure websites show up when people search for things on the internet.
  • You assist with sending emails to people for marketing and see how well they work.
  • You get to know online advertising on platforms like Google and Facebook, and you make and watch ads.
  • You learn to use tools like Google Analytics to see how many people visit a website and what they do there.

How Much You Get Paid as a Digital Marketing Intern:

  • In India, Digital Marketing Interns usually get paid from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 every month. But this can change a lot based on where you work, how big the company is, and what you know.
  • If you’re in a big city like Mumbai or Delhi, you might get more money because it costs more to live there.
  • Some companies, especially the bigger ones, may pay more than smaller ones or startups.
  • If you already know some things about digital marketing, you could talk to the company about getting a higher pay.
  • Remember, internships aren’t just about money. They’re also a way to learn. Look for internships that let you learn and practice digital marketing because that will help you in the future.
  • Sometimes, companies offer other good things like flexible work hours, training, and even a chance to work there full-time later. Always think about what you want and what the company can give you before deciding on an internship.”

Social Media Marketing Intern:-

A Social Media Marketing Intern in India does work on social media to help companies. Here’s what they do and how much they might get paid:

What a Social Media Marketing Intern Does:

  • Content Creation: They make interesting posts, pictures, videos, and stories for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok.
  • Social Media Management: They look after social media accounts by planning and posting content, talking to people who comment and message, and checking how well things are going.
  • Audience Interaction: They talk with the audience by replying to comments, messages, and feedback. They also work on building a community around the brand.
  • Campaign Planning: They help with planning and running ads on social media. This includes creating ads and showing them to specific groups of people.
  • Analytics: They use special tools to watch and understand how well social media campaigns are doing and make reports about it.
  • Trend Watching: They keep an eye on the latest trends and best practices on social media so that the content they create stays interesting and effective.

How much they might get paid:-

  • In India, as a Social Media Marketing Intern, you could earn a monthly salary ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹15,000, but this amount may vary depending on factors such as your workplace, the city, and the company.
  • In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, the pay can be higher because it’s more expensive to live there.
  • Some bigger companies pay more than smaller ones or startups.
  • If you already know a lot about social media marketing, you could talk to the company about getting a higher pay.
  • Remember, internships aren’t just about money. They’re also about learning. Look for internships that let you learn and practice social media marketing because that will help you in the future.
  • Sometimes, companies also give other nice things like flexible work hours, training, and chances to meet and know more people in the industry. These can make your internship even better.

Content Writer/ Copywriter: –

A Content Writer or Copywriter in India writes stuff for websites, blogs, social media, and ads. Here’s what they do and how much they might get paid:

What a Content Writer/Copywriter Does:

  • Writing Stuff: They make words that are easy to understand, interesting, and useful for the people who read them.
  • Finding Good Words: They look for the right words that people search for on the internet to help websites show up better in search results.
  • Idea Searching: They find topics and learn about different things to come up with good ideas for what to write.
  • Checking Grammar and Style: They make sure that what they write is correct and follows the rules for how a brand or company wants to talk.
  • Fixing Mistakes: They read what they wrote and make it better by checking for mistakes and making it clear.
  • Being Original: They write things that are new and not copied from others.
  • Being On Time: They finish their work when they’re supposed to and can work on more than one thing at a time.

How Much They Might Get Paid:

  • If you’re just starting as a Content Writer/Copywriter in India, you could earn around ₹10,000 to ₹25,000 each month. But this can change based on where you live, the city, and the company you work for.
  • In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, you might get more money because it costs more to live there.
  • As you get better and have more experience, you can ask for more pay.
  • Some writers freelance, earning payment for each word they write or for each project they undertake. Freelance pay can vary significantly.
  • Writing can pay well if you’re good at it and write things that people like to read. The more you practice and improve, the more money you can make in this job.

SEO Intern:

An SEO Intern in India helps make websites better so they can show up higher in search engines like Google. Here’s what they do and

What an SEO Intern Does:

  • Looking for Good Words: They search for words and phrases that people use on the internet to find things. These words help websites get more visitors.
  • Fixing Websites: They help make changes to websites, like fixing titles, descriptions, and other things, so that search engines like them more.
  • Link Building: They learn about and help with getting other websites to link to the one they’re working on. This makes the website more important on the internet.
  • Checking Websites: They check websites for problems and suggest how to fix them.
  • Looking at Others: They see what other websites are doing and find ways to do it better.
  • Working with Content: They talk to people who write content to make sure it’s good for both people and search engines.
  • Reporting: They use special tools to make reports about how well the website is doing in search engines.

How Much They Might Get Paid:

  • If you’re starting as an SEO Intern in India, you might earn around ₹5,000 to ₹15,000 each month. But this can change based on where you live, the city, and the company.
  • In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, you might get more money because it’s more expensive to live there.
  • Some bigger companies pay more than smaller ones or startups.
  • If you already know a lot about SEO, you could ask for more pay.
  • Remember, internships are a good way to learn, and the money is just one part of it. Think about what you can learn and how it can help your future when you decide on an internship. With more experience, you can aim for higher-paying jobs in the future.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Intern:

A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Intern in India helps with online ads where companies pay when people click on them. Here’s what they do and how much they might get paid:

What a PPC Intern Does:

  • Finding Good Words: They look for words that people search for online, which companies can use for their ads.
  • Writing Ads: They write ads that make people want to click on them.
  • Setting Up Ads: They help put the ads on websites like Google and social media.
  • Managing Money: They keep an eye on how much money is spent on ads to make sure it’s not too much.
  • Testing Ads: They try out different ads to see which ones work the best.
  • Checking Ads: They watch how the ads are doing and make them better.
  • Looking at Others: They see what other companies are doing with their ads.
  • Making Reports: They make reports about how well the ads are doing.

How Much They Might Get Paid:

  • If you’re starting as a PPC Intern in India, you might earn around ₹5,000 to ₹15,000 each month. But this can change based on where you live, the city, and the company you work for.
  • In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, you might get more money because it’s more expensive to live there.
  • Some bigger companies pay more than smaller ones or startups.
  • If you already know a lot about PPC, you could ask for more pay.
  • Remember, internships are a way to learn, and the money is just one part of it. Think about what you can learn and how it can help you in the future when you decide on an internship. With more experience, you can aim for higher-paying jobs in PPC later.”

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